“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
My passion is providing girls a hand-up to an education. With this hand, girls become self-reliant. In Uganda, education is a luxury. Many girls fail to receive this luxury, due to no fault of their own. Well, Hope for Hearts is among hundreds of charities working in Africa to shake things up and breakdown the luxury wall. We all want the same thing, an education for the children we are supporting. They will then turnaround and share the importance of education with their siblings and children.
On October 26, we unite in a common mission to improve the lives of others. Millions of volunteers will partake in thousands of projects happening all around the world. I encourage you to find a few hours to support Make A Difference Day. Seek out a local charity and dig in….volunteer stocking food shelves, sorting clothes or whatever the need. For Hope for Hearts specifically, I am asking you to help sponsor a girl. Maybe it’s one month; maybe a year, but no matter what you will make a difference in the life of a girl.
Regardless of your age, location or resources – you can accomplish amazing things when you unite with others to tackle the problems in your community.
Peace and Love,