In last week’s edition of the weekend word we focused on the word poverty, from our mission statement. After analyzing the problems facing the children who come to our school, it’s time we turn to a solution. This week we will discuss prosperity and what it takes to be prosperous.


  1. the state of being prosperous

So what does it mean to be prosperous anyway?


  1. successful in material terms; flourishing financially.

Hope for Hearts strives to lift children from poverty to prosperity.  The question is how do we take children living in some of the poorest conditions and, to quote the great late Leonard Nimoy, help them “live long and prosper?” What does it take to become “successful in material terms” and “flourish financially.”

We believe the key lies in every child having access to education. It is the tool that leads to prosperity. Whether it’s a traditional education to seek opportunities at advanced careers, or learning a vocation, these kids must be able to learn skills that will help them safely earn a living and become self-sufficient.

It is our goal to help these children lift themselves up from poverty to prosperity through access to education.

I will leave you with this last thought:

“Education is the most powerful weapon in which you can use to change the world.”

– Nelson Mandela

Peace and prosperity,