And the World Will Live as One

“Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their oneness with the Universe, when they realize it is really everywhere, it is within each one of us.” – Black Elk

Wise words from a famous modern day Sioux medicine man.With the Global Oneness Day just around the corner, I’ve been giving a lot of pause to think about this very important topic. Black Elk hit the nail on the head

And the World Will Live as One

Peace requires an element of understanding that we are all part of a bigger picture that is worth setting aside our differences to attain this common goal. Being such an important part of attaining peace, I thought now would be a great time to explore oneness in this week’s Weekend Word.

1. the fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts.
2. the fact or state of being one in number.

Oneness permeates throughout the entire existence of the universe. Even the basic building blocks of all matter in the universe, atoms, are made of separate parts (protons, neutrons, electrons) unifying together to create one whole. Atoms form with atoms to create molecules, and molecules form with other molecules to create… well… stuff.

From living to non-living organisms every group of molecules is interconnected. The living interact with the non-living, the living form together to create groups of people, who form together to create society as a whole, who form together to create the planet earth and all it’s inhabitants, which is part of a solar system, and ultimately (as far as we know) part of an ever expanding universe.

This is the core of oneness. The belief that everything is interconnected, and working towards oneness can be a great way to discover the depths of our interconnectivity and how we can make ourselves, coming together as one, the best possible version of ourselves.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in helping ourselves, our local community, our country. To believe that we all have to look out for ourselves and our own. But when you take a step back and really look at it through the lens of onenesss, all of humanity is our own.

Jesus preached that we should all love thy neighbor as thyself. Not just our neighbor next door, but our global neighbors as well. For they come together alongside us in the bigger picture, and what do you want that picture to look like?

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can tap into the oneness of humanity and the universe, I highly recommend you join in for this free teleconference taking place all day on October 24. Several speakers will come together for more than a dozen online events to spark essential, heart-opening conversations about oneness. You can learn more and join them here:

Peace and Love,

Why is a raven like a writing desk? A riddle that has baffled the truly curious for more than a century. The answer: there is no answer. Though many have come up with their interpretation, When Lewis Carroll originally wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the riddle was meant to go unsolved. This is just the kind of silly and curious antics The Mad Hatter would provide for the story.

So why are we talking about ravens and riddles in Wonderland? One guess… on 10/6 the world celebrated National Mad Hatter Day. Creators of this day, chosen for the Hatter’s hat band which read “In this style 10/6”, intended it to be a day to show your silly side. Play jokes, make up nonsensical words, go a little mad.

But things get curiouser and curiouser…

Curious Events Day is Monday, Oct. 9, and I find the close timing off these two holidays a bit serendipitous. The day is celebrated by pondering upon whatever makes you curious, like why is a raven like a writing desk?

In honor of these two days, I decided to discuss curious in this week’s weekend word, and found myself fascinated by what I found.


  1. eager to know or learn something.
  2. strange; unusual.

They say curiosity killed the cat, but I don’t like to look at that glass half-empty point of view. It takes a whole lot of curiosity to be successful too. A mentality of “what could I do if I…” Just take it from one of the most successful and well-known scientists of all time…

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

It is the passionately curious who are more likely to make it in life. Those who learn to ask why and question everything around them. Questions lead to answers and answers are knowledge. The more you know about the world around you, the more you can use it to be successful and do great things.

Alice in Wonderland reminds me of the kids in our schools. While Alice had parents back in the real world, in Wonderland, she was an orphan who relied on her curiosity and the support from those she met along the way to help her ultimately get back home safe.

Our kids are stuck in an alternate Wonderland. One where there are more enemies than friends and a lack of resources to help them survive. It is their curiosity, and the support from new friends like the nuns and fellow students, and strangers like you who provide financial aid, that will ultimately make them successful individuals.

I firmly believe that the kids we support at Hope for Hearts will be wildly successful because, like Einstein, they are passionately curious about learning. They are constantly finding new ways to learn about the world around them so they can change their life and lift themselves from poverty to prosperity. I’m awed by their constant quest for knowledge and know that with your support, we can provide them with many of the answers they seek.

Please make a donation today to support the adventures of an orphaned child in need so they too can make it home safe.


Love Wins. It’s a phrase that is growing in popularity, but it’s meaning has stood the test of time. I thought we’d take a minute to explore this all-important word, love, in the weekend word.


  1. an intense feeling of deep affection.
  2. a person or thing that one loves.

Based on the definition, love can come in many different forms. There’s the love we have for other people such as a spouse, family, neighbors, friends. Then there’s a love we have for things or ideas. Things we love to do such as hobbies, or things we own like a favorite sweater or sentimental keepsake. Whatever you love, the point is to feel deep affection for it.

Stories about love have been told from the beginning of time. Most typically we hear about love being the answer to a struggle or danger that is faced. And whether a prince is rescuing his princess, or a community comes together to assist one another – it’s because of their love for one another that they are able to overcome these obstacles.

In light of the recent natural disasters that are tearing apart our local and global community, I’m reminded of the fact that love conquers all. Every time we are faced with adversity as a country, it is our love for one another that pulls us together to help each other rebuild and find new strength. If it weren’t for the deep affection we have for our neighbors and our country, we wouldn’t have countless volunteers dedicated to tirelessly providing safe refuge and rescue efforts in the wake of these disasters. If millions of people around the country didn’t have a love for their fellow mankind, they wouldn’t be donating countless dollars and items to help those affected by these recent tragedies.

I have full faith that we will overcome these tragedies as a nation, because I am reminded of the love in the human spirit every day. Every time I hear stories from Father Mugagga and the nuns about how the children at the schools are doing. Every time I see you sharing our latest news or making a donation to give a hand up to the orphaned children in Uganda that we support, strangers who you most likely will never meet. I am constantly reminded that love is alive and well in the human spirit. Just as you’ve continued to show your love for mankind by supporting the children at our schools, I know we are all capable of supporting those in need everywhere. And that proves to me that Love is one of the only things that truly can stand the test of time, and for that, love truly wins.

Wishing you peace, safety and love,

To Thy Own Self be True | Hope for Hearts, Uganda

September is here, and fall is just around the corner. I hope you’ve had a relaxing summer filled with fun and family. Now, with kids back in school, holidays around the corner, and a new year ahead – it’s time to get back to business. Perhaps that’s why September has been designated Self-Improvement Month. To kick-off the month I thought we’d explore self-improvement in this week’s weekend word.

ˈˌself əmˈpro͞ovmənt/

  1. the improvement of one’s knowledge, status, or character by one’s own efforts.

Self-improvement requires a person making positive changes to themselves through their own efforts. It takes a lot of introspection to determine which areas of your self you would like to improve, as well as time and effort to make those changes.

To Thy Own Self be True | Hope for Hearts, Uganda

If you don’t know where to start, try the mind, body and soul approach. Here are our top 3 tips for self-improvement in each category:


  1. Read a Book – Whether you want to learn more about a subject in business or personal development, or just want to read for fun, there are several calming benefits to reading that are good for your mind.
  2. Meditate – Meditation has a great calming effect that allows you to focus on what’s most important to you and letting go of all the clutter in your mind. You don’t have to meditate for a long period of time to feel the benefits. A simple 5 minutes a day will do. Don’t know where to start – research meditation guides on your phone’s app store or online.
  3. Clear Your Energetic Chaos – The universe and everything in it is made of energy, and when your personal energy is at an imbalance, it can affect every area of your life. There are two main areas of our lives that can contribute to energetic chaos – biology and physical space – and by making the right changes in these areas, you can help restore balance to your energy. Head on over to our friends at Graceful Spaces to learn more about how you can balance your energy with BioEnergetics and applying Feng Shui to your home/office.


  1. Find a Workout that Works for You – While it’s a great option, getting exercise doesn’t have to require a gym membership. There are plenty of ways to incorporate a workout into your everyday life. Go for a longer walk or hike with your dog or family, walk/bike to work if you’re able to and take a walk around the office on your breaks, download workout apps to play on your phone, TV, etc. Find a way to get active and stick with it!
  2. Create a Cookbook – How many times do you come home from work not wanting to cook because it’s too much effort and time to find a healthy recipe? This month, set aside time to research healthy recipes that fit your cooking level and lifestyle so you have an arsenal of affordable, healthy meals at your fingertips.
  3. Meal Plan/Prep – Create system of meal planning and prep that works for you! Set aside time once or twice a week specifically to plan and prep your meals. A simple search on Google or Pinterest will provide you with tons of make-ahead or freezer meals to help. By doing it all in one batch you save time from having to repeat the same tasks each night. Also, you can save money by choosing recipes that have the same ingredients so you can buy in bulk!


  1. Find a Hobby – Everybody needs to have something they do that’s just for themselves. Whether it’s watching or playing sports, crafting, reading, etc. find something you like to do that’s just for you.
  2. Schedule Me-Time – If there’s nothing else you do for yourself on this list, sit down and find 30 minutes each week that you designate as “me time”. This time is a blank canvas, you can fill it however you want. Just make sure you focus on yourself and not your obligations during this time!
  3. Do Something Good for Humanity – Helping others in your community can be very rewarding. Whether you’re donating time at your local soup kitchen, mentoring someone, volunteering for events or making a donation – your efforts make a difference. Your soul will thank you for it! If you’d like to feed your soul by doing good in the global community, consider making a pledge to support helping an orphaned child in Uganda work towards self-improvement.

For the kids in our schools, every month is self-improvement month. They are constantly working towards creating a better version of themselves that will one day be independent and self-sufficient, able to thrive on their own. For just $20 per month, you can provide a year of education for one child in Uganda. By pledging to make monthly a donation today, not only will you be improving your life, but the life of an orphaned child in Uganda as well.

To make a donation visit:

“Each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity.”
– Marie Curie

Peace and Love,

The great writer C.S. Lewis once said “Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.” If this is truly the case, then perhaps it’s time we explore affection in the weekend word.


  1. a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.

There is no question that most people need affection in one form or another throughout their lives. Researchers have been studying the effects of affection on children for decades, and so far the research has shown that regular affection from a parental figure is necessary for proper brain development. Many orphans in Russia during the 80’s and 90’s did not receive regular love and affection from those who cared for them. Babies were left to cry alone in cribs. Young children had to learn how to self-sooth and protect themselves from other kids, or authority figures, in the orphanage. As a result, researchers found that they lacked proper social skills and literally had smaller, underdeveloped brains.

It seems like such a small aspect of life, but the need for affection is very important for the growth of our children. And if the studies are right, those who have to go without it will have a harder time as they grow older in life. Lack of affection is a threat to all orphaned children across the globe – including the orphaned children in Uganda right now. So many children are left on the streets without family, protection or affection. Without our intervention, they too could end up like the children I just described.

At Hope for Hearts, we provide a loving, caring environment that promotes growth and development. Our nuns provide loving support as parental figures, and the children become family, looking out and caring for one another. It is this type of environment that promotes brain development. Rather than striving to seek basic affection, kids can focus on furthering their education to lift themselves from Poverty to Prosperity.

A simple hug is a powerful thing. And while you may not be able to share a hug with our kids, you can provide an opportunity for them to share affection by sponsoring a child to attend our school today!

With Love,