The month of March celebrates women – International Women’s Day, Women’s History Month – all the mountains we have climbed, and the needed efforts to progress to global gender equality.

We have it in our power to eliminate gender inequality in this lifetime. Education is key.

In our small piece of the puzzle there are two things that fill me with hope and faith – your support and the nuns at St. Elizabeth Girls’ Academy (SEGA).

The nuns are the backbone to the success of our girls. They are inspiring women, and they’re not done fighting yet.

These ladies made a commitment 15 years ago to dedicate their lives to providing a hand up to future generations of women by helping the most vulnerable young girls move from street life to a life filled with education, faith and self-sufficiency.

Their journey has been filled with ups and downs, but with faith and hearts lined with love, they persevere. SEGA moves 90 percent of its girls into a world where they are self-sufficient and achieving their dreams. We have the nuns to thank for that. As women are being celebrated, let’s remember our front line of defense, the women of SEGA.

Women will achieve equal leadership in our lifetime, as long as we continue to support, educate and inspire the younger generations.


Peace and Love,
