Problem Solver – a thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution.

Well, I want to tell you a story about the little school who could…problem solve. 

St. Elizabeth Girls’ Academy was in a predicament about six years ago with the cost of water, making it the highest budget item. Thinking caps went on and the leaders went to work. The decision to invest in $22,000 rain tanks to catch rainwater would eliminate the huge water cost. Rainfall provides an alternative to polluted groundwater in developing countries because almost no regulation of waste disposal and drainage issues means high contamination in springs and surface sources.

Did you know?

·        More than 40% of people living in the greater Kampala area live in unplanned settlements – only 17% have access to piped water.

I say the rain tanks are a success! Problem solved! Next challenge, please.

Peace and Love,
