Support each other. It’s as simple as that.

  • At a recent rally in Manila, Philippines thousands of women stood in a giant human formation of the cross-like female scientific symbol in honor of International Women’s Day.
  • Hillary Clinton addressed the United Nations on women’s issues. Equality for women “remains the great unfinished business of the 21st century,” she said.
  • UN Women launched #HeforShe – a new equality branding campaign, in which men all over the world are being encouraged to speak out against the inequalities faced by women.

Ladies, let’s embrace the spirit of Women’s History Month and show our bold, confident and fearless side. When we excel at loving ourselves, and the world around us, we provide young girls with hopes for a better future.

Don’t get me wrong, much progress has been made on the path to gender equality, yet more can still be done.


Peace and love
