I know God will provide.
He says it so confident. Father Mugagga and I were catching up last week upon his return from Uganda.
I know the list of growing concerns: The soaring costs of food due to draught and dying crops. A resurgence of people dying of lack of food. The never-ending building repairs. The pending re-roofing project. The hundreds more children that could benefit from our program if there were enough space.
We have miles to go, so busy we stay keeping Hope for Heart at the forefront of your mind when choosing where to give your hard earned dollars.

Updates from Uganda:
Recuitment continues at St. Elizabeth Academy Uganda with a focus on pulling girls from a life on the street and into vocational programs. Our training programs have 140+ older teens enrolled.
The young children who land at our doorstep head to Kankobe Children’s Home for primary schooling. This past trip Father Mugagga helped weld bunk beds together for the 130+ children we support at this school.
God has a plan.
He continued on. He painted the picture for me, but as always, he framed his picture in a positive manner with much gratitude. The picture he paints of life at our schools focuses on the present, never the negative. We are blessed with beautiful souls who wander our halls. Those blessings will grow. We will help more children.
I am blessed.