The new year is almost upon us. It’s time to start reflecting on the year behind, and what’s to come in the year ahead. Last year we talked about how each new year is like a blank canvas, ready to paint with new adventures. Thanks to your donations we were able to help more than 400 orphans in Uganda paint their canvas with new dreams of independence and self-sufficiency. This year, we’re just as resolved to help even more children soar to new heights as they paint their canvas.

Let’s take a look at just what we mean by that in this week’s weekend word – resolve.



  1. settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
  2. decide firmly on a course of action.


firm determination to do something.

To be resolved means to firmly decide on a course of action and find a solution to a problem. The new year often causes people to pause and reflect on what’s important in their life, and what they’re resolved to do as they move forward into the future.

At Hope for Hearts, we’ve been dedicated to improving lives by providing a hand up to orphaned children in Uganda for years. With the country currently in political turmoil and a major famine, the children need our help now more than ever. There is more work to be done and now more than ever it’s important to continue our efforts to improve the lives of orphaned children in Uganda.

A lot of times people change their resolution year after year, but who says you can’t make something old new again? This year, we’re dusting off last year’s resolution and staying resolved to continue serving even more children in 2017 – and we need your help! I’m humbly asking that as you start making your new year’s resolutions, stop and think about setting a goal to give a hand up to a stranger in need.

For just $20 a month in 2017 you can sponsor a child in our school. This provides them with food, shelter, education, vocational training, counseling, spiritual development, social and life skills. These are all valuable tools that the children take with them throughout a new life of independence and self-sufficiency.

To learn more about how you can provide a hand up to an orphan in Uganda by sponsoring a child through Hope for Hearts visit

With Gratitude,