This Saturday marks the 113th anniversary of the day the Wright bothers successfully flew the first airplane. On Dec. 17, 1903 near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright soared into history as Orvillle piloted a gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane, setting the stage for future developments that would lead to modern day aviation.

In honor of their historic flight, we’re going to take a look at the word soar for this week’s weekend word.


  1. fly or rise high in the air.
  2. maintain height in the air without flapping wings or using engine power.
  3. increase rapidly above the usual level.

For centuries humans have been obsessed with the idea of soaring high. It’s what led the Wright brothers to invent the first successful airplane. But we didn’t stop there… In the 60’s we became obsessed with soaring even higher and sending the first rockets, men, spaceships, etc. which greatly expanded space programs around the world.

Soaring has become a very powerful word. It’s synonymous with aspire, ascend, lift up, arise, aspire. It reminds us of freedom, empowerment, rising high with no limits and breaking barriers. As a society, we associate soaring with success, which is why it’s used in so many inspirational quotes.

Reaching new heights and soaring above others gives us a different perspective and ability to help those below us, so they too can rise. This reminds me of an old proverb…

“Those who walk with angels learn to soar above the clouds.”

While I believe there are angels in heaven, I also believe there are angels that walk on earth among us – and you could be one of them! It only takes a small, virtuous act of charity for you to be an angel in someone else’s life.

Hope for Hearts aims to give orphaned children the tools and resources necessary to soar in a life of independence and self-sufficiency. With your year-end donation, you can help us serve even more children in 2017 as they learn to fly and make their dreams come true.

A gift of:

$25 – Provides two children a month of meals, so they don’t go hungry on the streets.
$120 – Purchases a sewing machine to help a child learn a trade that will help them earn money to be self-sufficient.
$240 – Provides a year of education for one child, so they can better their lives through a rewarding career.

And, the more money you donate, the more children we can help!
$625 – Feeds 50 children for one month.
$1,200 – Sponsors five orphaned children to participate in our educational programs for the entire year.

Be an angel for our children by making a donation at:

With Gratitude,