Continuing our conversation from the last blog, today I want to talk about the classic holiday story “How The Grinch Stole Christmas.” The Grinch had no Christmas spirit. He lived alone high on a mountaintop, away from society, fending for himself. Cast away by so many for so long, many would say he had an evil spirit scaring passersby and trying to steal Christmas.
But, as the 2000 Jim Carrey remake of this tale shows, The Grinch wasn’t always this way. Despite his unconventional looks and behavior – his spirit wasn’t bad as a child. He was a kind, fun-loving soul just like any other kid. He tried his best to get in the Christmas spirit, but teasing and taunting from the other Who’s broke him. So he became an outcast, fled to live alone high on top of a mountain for years to come, hating the Who’s and letting evil control his spirit.
You could say that his spirit was broken, until Cindy-Lou Who came and changed that. She too was in search of what it means to be in the Christmas Sprit. She found her spirit by bringing joy to others and helping the Grinch find joy again.
The lesson to be learned here is that only through kindness, can we change a broken spirit, and spread peace and happiness in the world. Much like the Grinch, there are several orphaned children in Uganda, alone, in dangerous environments, left to fend for themselves with no shelter or protection from people who care. For some, their spirits may be broken, some may be forced to darken their spirit by doing things like cheat, lie or steal just to survive. But they too weren’t always this way, and their spirits can also be mended.

If we’ve learned one thing from the story of The Grinch and Cindy-Lou Who, it’s that spirits can be repaired with a little love and kindness. Will you be the Cindy-Lou Who to our kids this year? For just $240, or $20 per month, you can sponsor an orphaned child in Uganda, providing them with a year’s worth of education and shelter at one of our schools. That’s a year to show them compassion, teach them kindness and provide them with the family they desperately need. A year to help heal their broken spirit and prove to themselves that they can break free from the cycle of poverty and be a productive citizen towards the healing of their nation.
We’ve got the spirit to continue on in the fight against poverty in Uganda. Yes, we’ve got spirit, yes we do. We’ve got spirit, how about you?
Wishing Many Blessings