We’ve talked a lot about mending the spirits of the kids in our schools, but anyone who has ever heard a flight attendants safety instructions – you have to give yourself oxygen before you can take care of another person.

So today I want to provide some insight on 5 ways you can improve your spirit this year.

Lift Your Spirit in 2018

Clear Mental Clutter

Whatever it is, get it out! Your mind can only handle so much at one time, so find the routines, apps, and resources that help you clear mental clutter. Try apps like ToDoist or Omnifocus to help keep track of your to-do list. You can also try apps like Evernote, Quip, or OneNote to organize and store thoughts for work and personal life. Not a fan of technology? Start by carrying a notebook with you to jot down thoughts as they come to you. Also, don’t underestimate the power of taking 5 minutes to yourself to jot your day’s thoughts down on paper. Not only will you be able to more easily recall and process the information later, you’ll save your mental energy for more important tasks.

Create a Vision Board/Find Your Spiritual Core

Take some time to ask yourself the deep questions and figure out who you really are. What does your spirit comprise of? What do you desire? Map this out on a Vision Board and place it somewhere in the house where you will see it all the time. Let it remind you of who you are and who you are becoming.

Balance Your Negative Energy

Every moment of every day our body comes into contact with energy, both good and bad. It’s how our body reacts to this energy that contributes to our energy balance or unbalance. Thankfully, there are a few all-natural homeopathic products and services that can help restore this balance such as essential oils, nutritional supplements and BioEnergetics (BIE). Take a look at our friends at Graceful Spaces for more information.

Take up Yoga

Along the lines of clearing mental clutter, you need to clear physical clutter too. Even if you don’t consciously feel all the little kinks in your body, your mind is constantly using energy to mask them. Practicing Yoga releases strains on your body, and when combined with meditation it becomes an even more powerful tool to connect the mind and body and help clear your mental clutter. Join our friends at Sin City Yoga for a session or two and see the results for yourself!


One of the most often recommended solutions to lifting spirits is to travel. Sometimes we have a need to just get away from it all. While traveling can be chaotic and expensive, the results are worth it. Not only do you get to explore the world, but the break in your routine forces you to focus on the here and now, disconnecting from the stress of your daily life. It’s here that you can find more clarity, peace and come back rested to tackle a new day.

Don’t find it selfish to take care of yourself first. You have to remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Once you’ve taken time to lift your spirits, you will have more mental and physical energy to dedicate towards helping others. We hope you will consider giving some of that energy to helping the kids in our schools.