Piglet: “Pooh?”
Pooh: “Yes Piglet?”
Piglet: “I’ve been thinking…”
Pooh: “That’s a very good habit to get into.”

Our ability to think is often taken for granted. From time to time we express our gratitude for food, air, shelter; however, not many people take the time to recognize and appreciate the ability to even have these thoughts. I don’t blame you. Who wants to think about thinking? Well, the Girl Scouts and Girl Guides of America do.

World Thinking Day 2017

Every year since 1926, on February 22 girls from around the world come together for World Thinking Day – “… a day of international friendship, speaking out on issues that affect girls and young women, and fundraising for 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world.”

The organization is not only bringing awareness to this special ability, but turning the girls’ sights to how they can use the power of thought for good. By sharing ideas and stories, they can help improve the world for young women everywhere. Each year comes with a special theme, and this year’s theme is growth. So, in honor of World Thinking Day, I thought we’d take a look at the word grow for this edition of the Weekend Word.


  1. to increase by natural development, as any living organism or part by assimilation of nutriment; increase in size or substance.
  2. to arise or issue as a natural development from an original happening, circumstance, or source.
  3. to increase gradually in size, amount, etc.; become greater or larger; expand.
  4. to become gradually attached or united by or as if by growth.

There are many ways we can apply the word grow to World Thinking Day. Girls are coming together, growing in numbers, to support causes that impact other young women worldwide. In the process, they are developing their compassion and fortitude to tackle these issues head on.

If you have a young girl at home, I encourage you to celebrate World Thinking Day. While you’re at it, you can share some of our recent blog posts with stories of what some of the orphaned girls in Uganda are facing. Perhaps your child could come up with a great idea to help support our girls!

For other resources on World Thinking Day visit the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts website at www.wagggs.org/en/what-we-do/world-thinking-day.

Thinking of You,

At Hope for Hearts we have an affinity for celebrating weird, wacky holidays. This week is no exception, and definitely one of the more cheerful, and fun, holidays to celebrate. It comes at an apropos time. The holidays are usually filled with family, friends and cheer, then we ring in the new year, kick off resolutions. By the end of January, the holiday frenzy dies down and life returns to normal, which can sometimes make people blue, longing for the fun of the holidays. In fact, January 25 is known as The Saddest Day of the Year or Blue Monday. This is one of those time when we can use a dose of inspiration for finding happiness.

Enter Hunt for Happiness Week (Jan. 15-21, 2017). This year marks the 16th anniversary of this annual celebration that literally has everyone seeking happiness within and without of their lives. This brings up the million dollar question…. What is happiness? Let’s explore in this week’s weekend word.


  1. a state of well-being and contentment
  2. a pleasurable or satisfying experience

Contentment, satisfaction – that definition certainly leaves a lot of room for ambiguity. According to Psychology Today, philosophers, psychologists, theologians, etc. have sought to define happiness for centuries. So far, they’ve determined it’s more than simply a “positive mood,” but “a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life – that is with a sense of meaning and deep satisfaction.”

So the again, the million dollar question is – what is happiness? How do we find a sense of meaning and deep satisfaction. The answer will inevitably vary from person to person. Hunt for Happiness Week is dedicated to helping each person find their happiness. There’s actually an entire organization, the Secret Society of Happy People, dedicated to finding, and living in, happiness. If you need some inspiration, head on over to their webpage for some cool ideas on how to participate in Hunt for Happiness Week.

I particularly like their suggestion to play Happy I Spy. They’ve created free printable certificates that you can hand out to others (friends or strangers) when you see them having a happy moment. It’s a great way to connect with your community, spark ideas for finding your own happiness and learning that happiness is truly all around us.

In addition to the Secret Society of Happy People’s suggestions, I offer a few of my own. Have you considered how your surroundings and general health are affecting your personal happiness? Your body may be in a state of energetic chaos, and by making the right changes in your life you could restore the balance and be ready to bring happiness to others around you. Check out my blog at Graceful Spaces for ideas on how to restore your energetic chaos.

If helping in others in need brings you happiness, we encourage you to also help an orphan child in Uganda find their happiness by making a donation to support Hope for Hearts in honor of Hunt for Happiness Week. Come on, let’s get happy together!

Happily Yours,

The new year is almost upon us. It’s time to start reflecting on the year behind, and what’s to come in the year ahead. Last year we talked about how each new year is like a blank canvas, ready to paint with new adventures. Thanks to your donations we were able to help more than 400 orphans in Uganda paint their canvas with new dreams of independence and self-sufficiency. This year, we’re just as resolved to help even more children soar to new heights as they paint their canvas.

Let’s take a look at just what we mean by that in this week’s weekend word – resolve.



  1. settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
  2. decide firmly on a course of action.


firm determination to do something.

To be resolved means to firmly decide on a course of action and find a solution to a problem. The new year often causes people to pause and reflect on what’s important in their life, and what they’re resolved to do as they move forward into the future.

At Hope for Hearts, we’ve been dedicated to improving lives by providing a hand up to orphaned children in Uganda for years. With the country currently in political turmoil and a major famine, the children need our help now more than ever. There is more work to be done and now more than ever it’s important to continue our efforts to improve the lives of orphaned children in Uganda.

A lot of times people change their resolution year after year, but who says you can’t make something old new again? This year, we’re dusting off last year’s resolution and staying resolved to continue serving even more children in 2017 – and we need your help! I’m humbly asking that as you start making your new year’s resolutions, stop and think about setting a goal to give a hand up to a stranger in need.

For just $20 a month in 2017 you can sponsor a child in our school. This provides them with food, shelter, education, vocational training, counseling, spiritual development, social and life skills. These are all valuable tools that the children take with them throughout a new life of independence and self-sufficiency.

To learn more about how you can provide a hand up to an orphan in Uganda by sponsoring a child through Hope for Hearts visit https://hope4hearts.org/donate.

With Gratitude,

This Saturday marks the 113th anniversary of the day the Wright bothers successfully flew the first airplane. On Dec. 17, 1903 near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright soared into history as Orvillle piloted a gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane, setting the stage for future developments that would lead to modern day aviation.

In honor of their historic flight, we’re going to take a look at the word soar for this week’s weekend word.


  1. fly or rise high in the air.
  2. maintain height in the air without flapping wings or using engine power.
  3. increase rapidly above the usual level.

For centuries humans have been obsessed with the idea of soaring high. It’s what led the Wright brothers to invent the first successful airplane. But we didn’t stop there… In the 60’s we became obsessed with soaring even higher and sending the first rockets, men, spaceships, etc. which greatly expanded space programs around the world.

Soaring has become a very powerful word. It’s synonymous with aspire, ascend, lift up, arise, aspire. It reminds us of freedom, empowerment, rising high with no limits and breaking barriers. As a society, we associate soaring with success, which is why it’s used in so many inspirational quotes.

Reaching new heights and soaring above others gives us a different perspective and ability to help those below us, so they too can rise. This reminds me of an old proverb…

“Those who walk with angels learn to soar above the clouds.”

While I believe there are angels in heaven, I also believe there are angels that walk on earth among us – and you could be one of them! It only takes a small, virtuous act of charity for you to be an angel in someone else’s life.

Hope for Hearts aims to give orphaned children the tools and resources necessary to soar in a life of independence and self-sufficiency. With your year-end donation, you can help us serve even more children in 2017 as they learn to fly and make their dreams come true.

A gift of:

$25 – Provides two children a month of meals, so they don’t go hungry on the streets.
$120 – Purchases a sewing machine to help a child learn a trade that will help them earn money to be self-sufficient.
$240 – Provides a year of education for one child, so they can better their lives through a rewarding career.

And, the more money you donate, the more children we can help!
$625 – Feeds 50 children for one month.
$1,200 – Sponsors five orphaned children to participate in our educational programs for the entire year.

Be an angel for our children by making a donation at: hope4hearts.donortools.com/my/funds/64767-Make-a-Difference

With Gratitude,

Gift giving season is officially upon us and we have the perfect gift for the fashionista on your list. Hope for Hearts Kambulagos make the perfect stocking stuffer or present for a friend, coworker, etc. They are truly alluring, in more ways than you know and we’d like to tell you about them in this week’s weekend word featuring a double hitter – allure and attract.
  1. the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.
  2. powerfully attract or charm; tempt. 
To be alluring means to be powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating, attracting and charming others in its presence – our Kambulagos are all of that and more! In addition to being a beautiful accessory, each necklace has a fascinating story that will attract more people to want to support our efforts. 
We purchase the kambulagos from women in Uganda who hand-make and sell each necklace to make a living and support their independence. The necklaces are eco-friendly and made from recycled paper – ensuring each one is truly unique and one-of-a-kind. When you purchase one of these necklaces from us, the proceeds go back to providing a hand up to the orphaned children in our schools; and your charitable gift can spread even farther through the law of attraction. 
  1. cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest, favorable conditions, or opportunities.
  2. evoke (a specified reaction).
  3. cause (someone) to have a liking for or interest in something.
To attract means to make something happen, evoke a reaction, cause interest; and the law of attraction suggests that like attracts like. When you use attraction to do more good in the community, it can be a very powerful thing,  
Every time you wear or gift a Hope for Hearts necklace, its allure starts a conversation about our mission and the great deed you have done through the simple purchase of a necklace. This attracts others to follow your lead and purchase necklaces for themselves or their friends and family. The ripple effect makes an even bigger impact.
So this holiday season, help us make waves that will ultimately touch the lives of more and more orphaned children in Uganda. Purchase a handmade Kambulago by Dec. 18 in order to receive it in time for Christmas.
Many Thanks,