I want to share a video I came across. It is a powerful 18 minutes worth the investment. It’s a topic that definitely has people riding one side of the fence or the other. Dan says “Our generation does not want its epitaph to read, ‘We kept charity overhead low.’ We want it to read that we changed the world.”

Let me introduce you to activist and fundraiser, Dan Pallotta.

Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong

You know I am all about change in this world. You know my passion for educating girls. You know I commit to hard work, and believe in a hand-up, not a handout. When it comes to business, charity and everything that makes the world go round, I will continue to fight for what I believe is our future, girl education.

In Dan’s bold talk, he says: Let’s change the way we think about changing the world.

I agree change is good.

Peace and Love,
