Family vacations are rolling to an end as summer winds down, and school’s back in session. I don’t know about you, but I find a great way to reminisce your summer is over a family meal. In honor of family meals month lets venture out of our comfort zone and create masterpieces from another country.

You know my heart is in Uganda with the girls. So I think its perfect to recreate a Ugandan meal to try this month in honor of our hardworking girls.

Here are some links to a meal recommendation:

Here’s a yummy looking dish of greens, Ugandan Spinach and Simsim to start off the meal from

Main Entrée has this four star Ugandan Plantains with Chicken Stew.

Dessert features a Mandazi, African Donut recipe to rave about.

Try this non-alcoholic Ugandan Ginger Tea from

Enjoy your family time and learning about another culture.

Bon hamu (Bon Appetite)

Peace and Love,