We are doing our part to educate and give girls a hand-up in Uganda. We are one of thousands of organizations doing the same throughout Africa.Why is this so important? Because, Africa’s future is female, and an education means the world.

For those of us with children, this week, we find ourselves in bustling homes filled with their laughter as they unwind from school’s first semester.Now imagine school starts up again and the only one who gets to go is your son. Your daughter stays home. Unimaginable? Yes, but not in Africa where it’s common for girls to be excluded from formal education. Statistics show in Sub Saharan Africa, some 16 million girls — one-in-four –underprivileged girls do not receive an education.We are working hard to change this statistic. Annually we help 200 girls with an education and workforce training. When our campus upgrade is completed we will be able to house, educate and train more than 1,000 annually.

According to the World Bank, “The inter-linkages between gender inequalities, economic growth and poverty are the main reasons why girls’ education is a smart investment.”

Educate an African girl, and see

  • healthier and happier lifestyle choices
  • an increase in economic growth
  • decrease in poverty
  • fewer, and healthier children born
  • reduced disease

All this leads to a positive impact on the future of Africa, and ultimately, a positive impact on the world.

Peace and love,


p.s. Need to make a year-end tax gift? Invest in the life of an African girl. Your gift will allow them to thrive and drive change. Visit my Razoo page.