Turkey day, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, WHEW! What a busy weekend, and it spilled over into the first week of December! The most important day of all the shopping bonanza days in my eyes was, #GivingTuesday.

We joined a group of thousands of organizations going back to the basics this holiday season – celebrating all the “unselfie” behavior and highlighting the importance of giving back to your community and our global world. We rooted for a smashing success! It was.

On this #GivingTuesday, the second annual

  • More than 10,000 nonprofits participated
  • Donation increases from 90 to 162 percent reported from web based forums like Donor Perfect and Blackbaud
  • Average gift sizes $130
  • Number of transactions doubled

Well, #GivingTuesday may be over, but that doesn’t mean the giving needs to end. Tis the season, and you hold the power to help girls accomplish their dreams. We refer to it #girleducation. Year after year, your support helps girls like Kalisizo, who trained as a seamstress and owns her own business.  Reality is Kalisizo worked for free as a maid; lived in the slums of Kampala, begging by day and prostituting by night, before she connected with St. Elizabeth nuns and received the opportunity for an education.

Together, we can provide a hand-up for all the “Kalisizo’s” working hard toward success and self-reliance in their own lives.


A hand-up works with the support of thousands of helping hands. You are one click away from supporting #girleducation. I give thanks to the hand-up you provide our girls.

Peace & Love
