We provide our children with many words of wisdom. Words they will grow by, words they will carry with them the remainder of their lives.

Today I am writing words of inspiration for the girls at St. Elizabeth Girls’ Academy in Uganda, heck for all of us. We need to hear these powerful words of wisdom and know they are more than just words on a page. These phrases we hear and see often, but a little reminder never hurts and often brightens ones day.

Believe in yourself.

Never doubt yourself.

Live life in its fullest.

Happiness is a journey.

Make each day a story to tell.

Only fly with others who encourage you.

Never loose a chance to say a kind word.

My favorites:

A.S.A.P. – Always Say a Prayer.

Dreams don’t work unless you do.

These are respectful words to live by. Cheers to a year filled with beauty, success and happiness.


Peace and Love,
