So today is Valentine’s Day. But I recently discovered a three year-old movement called Generosity Day. I just LOVE the idea and had to share. I wish I could take credit, but credit is due to Sasha Dichter.

The premises: Reboot from the outrageous flowers, over-done jewels and fancy dinners, and reclaim the day. Give without expectation. Turn your no’s into yes.

The goal: Come together as a world to give a million acts of kindness and generosity.

I would LOVE for my Hope for Hearts family to commit to participating in the generosity experiment on Valentine’s, no, Generosity Day. I want you to follow the praise of the day – you can be generous with your time or your money. You can say “yes” to requests. It’s just another day to seize every opportunity for kindness.

My request: I want you to visit and share a generosity gesture. It can be anything you want, but a special message to our girls working hard to become self-sufficient would melt my heart and lift theirs.

Next, will you be my Valentine, I mean Generosity Sponsor? Here is the challenge – reach deep into your heart, then into your pocketbook and help us sponsor 14 girls by end of day February 14. That is $3,360. We can do it! We can take simple steps to transform the world around us.


Peace and Love,


School in Uganda is a privilege. Incredible sacrifices are made to support an educational experience for children. Now imagine not having a family to support that goal. The girls at St Elizabeth Girls’ Academy (SEGA) recognize the importance of education. Prior to life at SEGA, most struggled without it, leading a life of begging and other unsavory things a child should never have to experience.

Education in Uganda consists of seven years of primary school, four years of secondary school, two years of upper- secondary school followed by university. The Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) is one of the most anticipated and aching times for students. This is an exam that is hosted in November with three waves of results being released towards the end of January.

Result time excitement has been in the air at SEGA these last few weeks. Just like any American teen looking to move up through the ranks of high school and college, the girls at SEGA are weathering the wait to see if they will move on in their education.

Here are some facts about the exam.

  • 565,663 students from 11,171 schools registered for PLE in 2012
  • 480, 067 students received notices of passing in January 2013
  • 2012 areas of performance best to worst: English, social studies, basic science and health education, mathematics

Reality is just over 85,000 Ugandan students had their final moment in their education this month with the receipt of the PLE score. The brutal reality is that less than half of those students taking the next step to Secondary will complete Secondary. For girls at SEGA, some will move onto Secondary, others will start the path into a vocational study.

News from SEGA exam participants will make its way to Hope for Hearts soon, so stay tuned.

Peace and Love,



As a supporter, you are an important investor to girl education in Uganda. That is why I want to make sure you are aware of recent tax news – the Individual Retirement Account (IRA) charitable rollover. It’s back. Yes, you can make a gift to Hope for Hearts and save significantly on taxes.

That benefits you. Your gift moves the Hope for Hearts mission forward. It’s a win-win. BUT, the deadline is looming for those in the market to make a charitable contribution from their IRA.

Here are the key points:

1)   IRA owner must be at least 70½ years old at the time of the rollover.

2)   Transfer must be made from the IRA directly to a qualified charity.

3)   Transfers are not subject to income taxes.

4)   Retroactive gifts for the 2012 tax year – up to $100,000 must be made by January 31, 2013.

5)   Charitable rollover gifts up to $100,000 can be made at any point in 2013.

Depending on your circumstances, it may be possible for you to make a charitable rollover gift of up to $200,000 to Hope for Hearts in calendar year 2013. To break it down $200,000 would equal one years worth of education for more than 400 girls, and replace the building destroyed in our fire last year.

I am available for questions, and as always, encourage you to talk to your CPA for additional advice.


Peace and Love,





We provide our children with many words of wisdom. Words they will grow by, words they will carry with them the remainder of their lives.

Today I am writing words of inspiration for the girls at St. Elizabeth Girls’ Academy in Uganda, heck for all of us. We need to hear these powerful words of wisdom and know they are more than just words on a page. These phrases we hear and see often, but a little reminder never hurts and often brightens ones day.

Believe in yourself.

Never doubt yourself.

Live life in its fullest.

Happiness is a journey.

Make each day a story to tell.

Only fly with others who encourage you.

Never loose a chance to say a kind word.

My favorites:

A.S.A.P. – Always Say a Prayer.

Dreams don’t work unless you do.

These are respectful words to live by. Cheers to a year filled with beauty, success and happiness.


Peace and Love,


Read the paper, watch the news, surf the Internet and most of the time you find stories that make it seem the world is in devastation and destruction.
In 2013, as individuals we need to inspire and motivate each other. There are many happy stories out there. Let’s seek the happiness out with that age-old tradition, New Year’s resolutions.

New Year’s Resolution #1 – Be healthier.

Simple answer; give more. Rather than turning our focus on how much we have, we should think more about what we do with what we have — maybe this means indulging less, and giving others the opportunity to indulge instead. Recently, I came across some studies that show giving as little as $5 has positive emotional benefits.

New Year’s Resolution #2 – Be happier.

Boost your self-esteem; volunteer. How we look at and experience the world is a choice. Happiness is a choice. In 2013, take charge and try and commit to seeing everything in a positive way. Research shows helping others makes you feel good about yourself, because you’re doing something for someone that they couldn’t do for themselves. This is just as important to your health as exercise and a healthy diet.

The girls at St. Elizabeth Girl’s Academy, Uganda have been dealt a hand in life that many of us have not come close to experiencing. But, they are positive. They are happy. They are getting an education. They will prosper in 2013. It’s their smiles that keep me going even on the roughest of days. The fact that I am making a difference in someone’s life, that’s the greatest feeling in the world.

Helping others leads to higher levels of happiness and health. Now that is an easy resolution to keep.

Happy New Year!

Peace and Love,

p.s. check out this video. The girls were performing for me. They are very positive and full of life.